Saturday, July 4, 2015

I am Vincent

I want to tell you about my learning and fun life. I have been to museums that helped me learn new things while learning-- I had fun. I got to see things you don't normally see. Like manatees, Dali paintings, mammoths, dinosaurs, and other cool things.

I'm 10 years old and I am expecting to see more things that surprise me. I also have breaks of learning and I play with my Legos, I'll see my friends, play basketball, and that keeps me distracted from other things. I hope you have a great 4th of July and I hope on Halloween you get to see my dog, Kevin MacBandit, dressed as a manatee!

I am moving to Florida from Illinois and I will get tanned by going to the beach a lot. I will make new friends and go visit my friends in Illinois every so often. TTYL!

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